Thursday, April 20, 2006

You have to laugh.....

The head of our state health department has just created some problems for the state government by choosing the amount of his first pay rise since taking on the job six months ago. It sounds strange but is true! They have employed this joker on a contract that allows him to take a pay rise regularly and choose from 7 to 24%.......I kid you not! He was very kind and only opted for the 7 % so he only gets an extra $65,000.00 added to his annual salary of $528,000.00.....I thought it had to be a joke too but it is correct! Our Prime Minister only earns about $280,000.00 so how can the health supremo be worth the amount he is paid......he's not of course!

Oh......and the government didn't bother to include performance indicators in his contract either!

Somebody voted these tools into office and by the time the next election arrives the same fools will vote them in again............I thought goldfish were supposed to have short memories!

Just to make life really interesting the same health supremo announced today that he was about to have his drivers licence suspended for multiple traffic offences.........his department is responsible for the state 'traffic safety campaign'. He will make a great poster boy won't he!!!!

I thought you only got monkeys when you paid peanuts..................................


mouthfulofpancake said...

The education tool (oops I mean minister?!) has also received a pay rise and guess what?! The plebs otherwise known as teachers have just had their pay increase knocked back! Monkeys in ivory towers! And don't get me started on OBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In a state where there are so initiatives to be introduced, its good to know that the WA Govt has plenty of $$ to just throw around on someone who isnt worth squat...

Im sure the nurses of this state would love to know they are appreciated too Mr Carpenter, perhaps a huge payrise with no accountability is in their future too....NOT!! the real workers of this state have to beg for pay rises